Le Parole degli Angeli
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Signs of Angels

Signs of Angels experience


Signs of Angels : hello dearest Sara, I will share with you my most significant testimonial, my experience, signs of Angels; my name is Antonella, I am an anesthesia nurse and among all my duties I also work with the delivery room team when they perform emergency c-section surgeries; I was working the night shift, suddenly they called us for an emergency c-section of twins; I will add that for a few years now I have been working on my spirituality and mediumship; and so we arrived into the delivery room, the situation was critical, a lot of tension as it usually happens in such situations, I started asking for help to all angelic presences for the surgery to go well for both mum and the twins; I felt the presence of many Angels, I am not able to see them, and the surgery proved to be successful for mother and babies.


I was tidying up the operating room after the surgery, in those moments I am usually alone, I thanked my Angels for their help, when suddenly, on the floor, under the fan, I saw two tiny, wonderful, white feathers, which I still keep with me.


It was the first time they manifested their presence in my workplace.


Since then, they do not miss an opportunity, if I call upon them to help me, to tell me that they are there, they are always there!!


Thank you Sara for being there, I am sending you a big hug!


Signs of Angels experience is testimonial from Antonella


Signs of Angels experience


Signs of Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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