Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The existence of Angels The existence of God

The existence of Angels The existence of God A vision of two Angels Testimonies of Angels


The existence of Angels The existence of God : my dear Sara Luce, during these days, I’m down, as you well know, for the lost of a great friend of mine and I was wondering for example about why certain things happen in life, of the existence of Angels, on the existence of God and things like that.


It’s at a time like that that I remember a very hard period of my life. I was really down for a love story that had ended, that anyway hadn’t been true love really, but I realized later. I had withdrawn into myself, and I didn’t want to go out with my fiends, I really felt sad and disappointed. I spent many hours in my room reading, sleeping, and watching TV.


One day while I was having a rest, I woke up or maybe I was half asleep (I have never got to understand if I was sleeping or at that moment, but surely it wasn’t a dream), and I saw my room very enlightened, a golden, very white light, I can’t exactly describe it well. Every corner of my room was sparkling with this light. My glance was attracted towards the end of my bed and there I saw two very tall, marvelous Angels with shining wings, and the thing I’ll never forget is their very sweet smiles and their loving glance.


It all happened in a instant, and then everything disappeared. The light in my room became the natural one of that summer afternoon very slowly. At that precise time I wasn’t afraid of anything. Everything seemed so natural, that I stayed in bed to think about what had occurred. Happiness and calmness grew inside of me faster than my thoughts.


I hadn’t told anyone about what happened for a long time, I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me. But now I speak about it only when I feel that I’m with people who need consolation, and to believe in something at that moment. It was a great experience. I know I receive other sort of help in every instant of my life. The only thing is that They are invisible, but the thing is that I can sensitive them.





The existence of Angels The existence of God A vision of two Angels Testimonies of Angels



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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