Le Parole degli Angeli
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Signs of Life after Death Ladybugs Symbolism

Signs of Life after Death Ladybugs Symbolism Signs of Love


Signs of Life After Death Ladybugs Symbolism


Ladybugs symbolism death meaning : hello Sara Luce, my name is Jessica and I write from the province of Monza and Brianza Italy. I wanted to bring you my testimonial about signs that our loved ones or our Guardian Angel can send us; ever since my mother died 4 years ago I sometimes notice that I see ladybugs …. either real or fake ones, but mostly real ones. I do not remember how I came to associate the presence of ladybugs to my mum, but I remember that one day I spoke with my neighbor and I told her that there were hundreds of ladybugs flying around my balcony, whereas there were none by her; after a few days I opened a bottle of home made tomato sauce and as I poured it into the pot I noticed a little ladybug, obviously no longer alive, but very well preserved … read and intact.


The following year we went to Tuscany during the long weekend of November 1st, and we went to an Agritourism facility, and we were surrounded by ladybugs. I asked for an explanation about the bugs from the owner of the facility and she told us that strangely she had noticed it too, that they had had them for a while, even though it had been years since it had happened like this.


In the summer I often happen to see some of them arrive to my balcony. Just before Easter I was thinking of my Guardian Angel …. and so while I was looking at a few websites I noticed your website too and I thought …. I wonder if I will still get ladybugs. Well, a few days later we set off for our vacation to the seaside. While I was in the bedroom, I looked outside from the little balcony and I noticed 2 ladybugs on the bedside table cover cloth. I have always associated seeing them with good luck.


In addition, last week I went to pick up my little daughter from kindergarten and while we were opening up the little cupboard to put away the uniform, she told me “Look, mum, what I found!” It was a little red wooden ladybug … like the ones you find on little pegs to embellish gift packages. And then I noticed that in her class they hang a fluffy toy outside their door …. A red ladybug, to which they have even given a name. And now that I come to think of it …. the first gift my husband gave me when we were engaged was a little fluffy ladybug.


I read your section on how to come into contact with your own Angel and I will have to read it again and put your advice into practice. But I wanted to tell you that sometimes I happen to feel something on my back or on my shoulder, as if someone is touching me and when I turn suddenly and I scratch that part and I tell myself ….. it was just the t-shirt …. this thing is very strange indeed because I do have the feeling that someone is touching me.


A hug and thank you for your attention,


Signs of Life After Death Ladybugs Symbolism Signs of Love was the testimonial of Jessica


Signs of Life After Death Ladybugs Symbolism Signs of Love


Ladybugs symbolism death meaning


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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