Le Parole degli Angeli
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Children have contact with Angels

Children have contact with Angels my son


Children have contact with Angels : hello Sara, here I am one more time to tell you of my progress in the angelic field, actually, my child’s progress, yes, because today I want to talk to you about him.


Last week I was in my brother’s house (he lives with a girlfriend now) at the time they did not yet know the sex of the baby that was on the way … looking at a little baby outfit that they had received as a gift, my son asked: is that for me? and I answered that no, the outfit was for the boy or girl that was in the belly of his aunt! and he answered: no, not a boy, it’s a girl!!


Two days later, my dear Sara, they got the outcome of the test: it’s a girl!


Maybe his little Angel was playing tricks? I am sure … in fact I am positive that He suggested it to him … wouldn’t you agree?


I want to thank, once again, all of our Angels for making themselves present in our lives … a great hug


Children have contact with Angels my son was told by Silvia




Children have contact with Angels my son


Children have contact with Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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