Le Parole degli Angeli
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An Angel In A Dream And In Reality Stories

An Angel In A Dream And In Reality Stories


An Angel In A Dream And In Reality : hello Sara, I have been reading your beautiful site for a while now, I have a strong interest in Angelology; among the various “signs” that I have received so far, I would like to share with you one in particular; I dreamt I was somewhere near what seemed like a Church, in which there was a small statue of the Madonna, next to the statue there was room for two people on each side to kneel and pray, I was alone, but then next to me arrived a distinctive-looking gentleman, tall, with a grey suite and glasses, salt and pepper hair, we walked together into the Church and we knelt in adoration of the statue, and the statue itself came to life, and I saw a beautiful woman talking to me, even though I do not remember what she told me, I asked her if she could hug me, and with a smile she held me close to her.


I feel such an immense joy. The following two Sundays a similar looking gentleman to the one in my dream showed up at Church, I saw him close to me in Church, he followed the prayers and songs perfectly, and then I never saw him again.


With your experience in the field, what do you make of this?


Thank you for your possible reply, I wish a happy life to you and to all of us.




An Angel In A Dream And In Reality Stories was the testimonial of Patrizia


An Angel In A Dream And In Reality Stories


An Angel In A Dream


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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