Le Parole degli Angeli
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The games Angels play

The games Angels play every Angel is almighty in the joy


The games Angels play : dearest Sara, my name is Laura, and I appreciate very much and I thank you immensely for the work that you do, many times your articles have been of very real help for me, I write to you to ask for your opinion, and to share with you something that happened to me just last Saturday afternoon.


I believe in Angels and in the work that they do; unfortunately for me, I have had almost negligible occasions where they got in touch directly with me (even through I benefited from their faithful intervention); last Saturday however, I was feeling quite sad and alone, and, in tears, I asked them to give me some clarifications with regard to a situation that lately has been tearing me up inside, through the radio …. I asked for the song that was about to be transmitted to give me the answer I was looking for, based on the words of the song.


As I was formulating the question, I was getting ready to turn the radio on, I was already thinking about it and I was hoping that there would be a song on. And voila’, as soon as I turned the radio on, there was a beautiful song on.


I was already happy and surprised at the coincidence, I asked my Angels if it had really been them who sent that song to me, and so I asked for another proof: if I was going to find a 1 cent coin in unexpected places, then I would know that they had indeed sent that song for me.


In the next couple of hours I did not find anything. (Usually, I find them, without even looking, in the most unusual of places, and I always smile, thinking that it is a sign of their presence)


Toward the evening, I had the idea of picking up a book that I had been looking for a long time, and I had almost given up hope on finding it, I moved the bed to see if the book had fallen between the bed and the wall, I did not find the book, but I did find a Euro, next to a book mark that was advertising the novel “Every Angel is Almighty”, by Susana Tamaro.


I cried from joy, I thought that my Angel was playing with me when he left that message. How do you see this event? Could it be a testimonial, or just a coincidence?


I thank you for your attention and, once again, for all your work,


I hug you with affection and esteem,


The games Angels play every Angel is almighty in the joy is the testimonial from Laura




The games Angels play every Angel is almighty in the joy


The games Angels play


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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