Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Shape of an Angel in a light in the Sky

Shape of an Angel in a light in the Sky experiences


Shape of an Angel in a light in the Sky : hello Sara Luce, my name is Lidia, by chance I stumbled upon your site, about a week ago, in this period I am very worried about certain situations with my son, but I don’t give up, and I ask my Angel to let me feel his presence, I need to know he is near me.


Well, do you know what happened today? I went to the shops, to visit a friend, and she showed me some earrings, then she picked up one pair of earrings and she said “Look how pretty these earrings are”. I looked at them, and I was speechless, the stones were in the shape of hearts; I went back home and a friend of mine sent me a message on whatsapp, on this message there were little balloons, you guessed it, in the shape of hearts. I walked out on the balcony, the sky was cloudy, I looked up and a light in the sky appeared through the clouds, in the shape of an Angel.


Thank you Sara Luce, I will keep you up to date with any other signs that our little Angel will want to send me, and I pray him to go to my son’s Angel to make sure he illuminates him.


Will be in touch soon


Shape of an Angel in a light in the Sky experiences is Lidia’s story




Shape of an Angel in a light in the Sky experiences


Shape of an Angel in a light in the Sky


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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