Le Parole degli Angeli
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Miracles of God today

Miracles of God today experiences


Miracles of God today : what a nice testimonial I just read on the site just now; when the daughter of a lady I know was born, who also had heart problems, was about to undergo surgery (a few days before the delivery), the mother fell asleep in the waiting room and had a dream, a Lady dressed in white told her to rush to stop the operation, since the little baby did not need any surgery, moreover, from that time on, she was to call the baby girl Gloria.


As soon as she woke up in the waiting room she burst into the ward, and as soon as she saw the first doctor, she told him about her recent dream, and she begged him to do an ultrasound first; they did as she requested, and, albeit incredulous, they did have to admit that a small miracle had just happened.


And, just like the Lady dressed in white had requested, so it became, the name of the girl thus became Gloria; today Gloria is of adult age and is a beautiful girl.


Miracles of God today experiences are the words from Giovanna




Miracles of God today


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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