Le Parole degli Angeli
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Peace Build The Peace Change Of Attitude Toward The War

Peace Build The Peace Change Of Attitude Toward The War
My dear brothers and my dear sisters today I am very happy because I have seen that you have been busy spreading my last message that I dictated to you.
I know that many of you were worried by this message, its content wanted to transmit the urgency of taking care of this big problem of Peace on this planet of yours, your beloved earth.
Today I want to tell you that things are slowing changing, some people are more aware that the real Peace is the only true possibility to grow also from the point of view of your good heart, and your important experiences that you have come to experiment in this continent where you live today, but much more love and effort are necessary to be able to change and I have hope that you will continue to spread that message that I dictated to you only a few days ago.
The change of attitude toward the war must be continuously nourished because your good heart will need to know that it's always in the right path, the path of Peace. This balance between the wish for Peace and the information that you receive from the mass-media can be destabilizing for your mind, but if your good heart is supported, this idea of the war will not overcome you and I support you so that the desire for Peace will shine in your good hearts.
Thank you to your effort and love, many people have already read the message that I dictated, but you must always sustain also these brothers and sisters of yours because it's only when a collective will of Peace presents itself that the government will be forced to change their plans of destruction and with the word Peace you will begin to write a new page in the history of your planet.
Brothers and sisters, you must take every opportunity to talk about Peace, to bring Peace to your brothers, I know that it's not an easy thing to do and that sometimes you allow the difficulty in talking to other brothers to block you because this message comes from me and all of you are no longer accustomed to feeling me close to you, close like when we first started with our nice dictations, while when you were actually here in the Home of the Father, it was a normal experience for you to be with us all the time; this memory is to give you sustenance to your actions, don't let this type of inhibition win over you and remember that you are all brothers with one another and it's the brother with more awareness that is supposed to help those who are still struggling to remember.
Allow me to tell you one last thing, when I told you that the United States are organizing attacks to those countries, I deliberately wanted to tell you those words because that is the primary intention of the governments, don't by fooled by your governments joining in sending soldiers with the task of rebuilding the new independent government of the Republic of Iraq, I am sorry but they are only big lies, they want to build a transition government that respects the exclusive need of North America and of the States of Europe, it's certainly not for the benefit of the population of Iraq that these governments are operating, but to take advantage of those precious resources and even security is not security for those people, but it's security so that nobody can get in the way of the exploitation and also allow me these words: Peace is never conquered with a weapon in your hand; Peace is achieved giving love, respect, elimination of the enormous distances, often cultural, between the people, making your good heart available to the same people that are supposed to be enemies and also with the intention to really make all of those people whom we can help independent and autonomous from our own very help. Here, this is what bringing the Peace means and only in this way can true Peace be long lasting. Now I have to say goodbye because I feel a lot of love in my heart for these brothers of mine that are suffering in Iraq and this makes it even more painful to think about them while we are building the basis of the Peace; I wish we were already all united by the thought of Peace to be sure that Peace can be really achievable for them, but we are still building it, for this reason I am sad.
Keep at it my brothers and sisters, keep going, do whatever is possible and even impossible for this project for the true Peace and these times of pain will shorten more and more for those brothers who are in this state of war.
I say good bye and I kiss you with all of my affection and all of my great love that I have in the heart for all of you brothers who are building the conditions for Peace to become a reality between the people.
I bless you in the name of the Father, of this son Jesus, of the Virgin Mary and of the Holy Spirit, go in peace and with my Spirit.
Bring the Peace in your good hearts, be the Peace for your brothers, spread my messages of Peace and you will see that together we will forever build the Peace.
Peace Build The Peace Change Of Attitude Toward The War was the Message dictated 30th November 2003
Peace Build The Peace Change Of Attitude Toward The War
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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