Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The meaning of suffering

The meaning of suffering for the Sky


The meaning of suffering : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, I am among you to talk about justice; I feel so much Love in my heart for you, and this always gives me advice, it helps me on how to be of help to you, it gives me advice on what is the best for you, it gives me advice on the words to put in front of your eyes so you may understand, discover, and, through reflection, guarantee you the best way for your Being.


Often when you speak of justice, numerous times, you speak of something that has to be changed because it does not take into consideration an important aspect for the other person, for their necessities; justice for you is change while respecting the needs of the other.


For us, justice is something else. It’s the consideration, respect, Love, they are constant elements within us; when Love speaks, these are precious elements, but for us justice means to take part, it’s like help with existence, it’s like a hand guiding us, it’s like a hand that guides from imperfect to perfect; reasons, interests, desires that sometimes are not necessarily in your best interest, but the necessities you carry with you are others, our justice looks at those necessities.


Many people turn to us asking for their necessities, necessities matured on earth, but the Spirit has chosen its path and has chosen its conditions, specifically to evolve from a stage of imperfection to another, higher stage of perfection, and here comes into play the justice that I am talking about, placing ourselves at the side of the person, allowing the overcoming of the level of imperfection.


We are with you for the precious needs of your Spirit, there are no ill conditions that do not serve the necessities of the Spirit; every condition that has a need to be experimented will appear in your life, and every need is there for your development.


I understand the difficulty in accepting just how much sometimes life brings upon you, many people who suffer sometimes do not find a meaning in their suffering, and yet as far as the Spirit is concerned, they are going through some precious moments, the results will be just as precious over time, with us next to you.


May this knowledge help you over times of pain, and help you think “This moment is essential for you, I am evolving toward my perfection, I will go through my journey with everyone on my side, there is good in my suffering, I will evolve, and this is the passage I chose for myself, I will evolve and then what I am living now will be but a memory”.


The evolution is made of moments, hard, sometimes longer moments, but they are moments in which the I Am, if it accepts what it is living, can experiment itself in a new way, and will have its own evolution in the Love.


There are many people who feel transformed after going through a moment of suffering, this is what I tell you, what is born from justice has the effect of transforming, it’s growth, its’ suffering, but it’s for a  purpose, and justice is the support to your necessities.


In the Love I am with you.


Your brother Jesus Christ


The meaning of suffering for the Sky is the Message 25th January 2016




The meaning of suffering for the Sky


The meaning of suffering


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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